If you make a lot of calls to the USA and/or Canada, Mega Talk USA is the card for you. Call for just P1 per minute to any landline or mobile phone across the USA and Canada! You will literally be talking for hours while only spending mere pennies. All other worldwide destinations are at incredibly low rates. With Mega Talk USA P500, you'll get up to 500 minutes of calls!
Mega Talk USA comes in four denominations; P200, P500, P1000, & P2000.
Call any telephone in the world–land line or mobile phone– right from your very own Smartphone at amazingly low rates with our Prepaid Internet Calling Cards. All you need is the following:
Internet connection on your smartphone.
Our free, easy to install calling app called YOURDIALER. Available in the App Store for Iphone and Play store for Android.
One of our World Call Prepaid Internet Callings Cards. (Username & Password will be sent to your email immediately after purchase)
The whole set up takes just a few minutes and you’re making crystal clear calls anywhere in the world –to loved ones, friends, businesses associates–at astoundingly low rates.