Step Into The Red Box: Overseas Calls At CPI For Just P5 Per Minute

At CPI Call Shop, we became famous for our low cost, high quality overseas telephone calls and frankly nobody does it better than CPI.
Before we opened up our internet cafe in Angeles City in 2003, calling overseas would cost at minimum P150 per minute. At our shop anyone could walk in and call overseas for just P5 per minute! Needless to say that was a serious game changer.
For the last 9 years we have been located at the Hotel Euro Asia and you can still call to over 120 countries for just P5 per minute. All other destinations worldwide are priced at incredibly low rates.
Of course, the quality of the calls is fantastic and with our timing software, you know exactly what you are paying.
Not only that, you’ll love calling from inside our two replicas of the old fashioned red British Telephone Box. (This makes our UK customers feel right at home!) There’s something about making your important call inside that spacious and cozy red telephone box. It’s just makes you feel better. Throw in one of our toasted home baked New York-style bagels with Philly cream cheese and smoked salmon(lox) paired with a freshly brewed cup of Philippine coffee and you've just about hit the jackpot in life. There’s no better place to make an international call than inside the red box.
CPI Call Shop's World Class Phone Service Goes Mobile!
As a leader in the cutting edge telephone services, CPI Call Shop has always adapted to the fast changing technology landscape. We know that people nowadays have a multitude of options to call overseas, so we developed our very own mobile version of our world class calling service.
With CPI Call Shop’s Prepaid Internet Calling Cards, calling anywhere in the world has never been easier and cheaper. Call any telephone in the world–land line or mobile phone– right from your very own Smartphone and WIFI device. All you need is an Internet connection, one of our prepaid internet callings cards, and also our free, easy to install calling app called Yourdialer. It all takes just a few minutes and you’re making crystal clear calls anywhere in the world –to loved ones, friends, businesses associates–at astoundingly low rates. It’s like having our world class phone service right in your pocket!
Right now we offer two international calling cards. The World Call card is the card to use if you call a lot of different countries around the world. P2.5 per minute to over 100 countries. All other destinations are offered at incredibly low rates. With the Mega Talk USA card, you can call the USA and Canada for just P1 per minute! That’s an incredible deal that you simply can’t find anywhere else in the Philippines. All other destinations are also priced at amazingly low rates.
We use the latest technology to make sure your call quality is crystal clear. Call right from your I-phone or Android device. Absolutely no connections fees or surcharges. Calls are billed in one minute increments. And you can use our calling cards anywhere in the world you have an internet connection.
You can purchase all of our calling cards right here on our new online store, powered by Shopify. Or you can contact us as one of the channels listed below and we can arrange to send you your log in details over the internet. We accept payments via Gcash. All you have to do is download the Yourdialer App to your phone, input your unique username and password and start calling and saving bundles of cash.
So when you need to make that important telephone call, and you want to do it in comfort, style and at an affordable price, there is simply no other option. CPI Call Shop is the place to visit. If you can’t visit us in person, we’ll bring our world class phone service to you with our prepaid international calling cards.
If you have any questions, please contact us. We have live agents ready to assist you during our normal business hours of 8am-1am daily. You can reach us through the following channels:
*Facebook Messenger: CPI Call Shop & Craft Beer Cafe | Facebook
*WhatsApp: +639162120544
*Gmail Chat:
*Mobile Phone: Smart: +639213587373, Globe: +639162120544